5 tips to help you get through college
College life – it's a whirlwind of excitement, new friendships, and a truckload of challenges. Whether you're a freshman or a seasoned senior, welcome to my college tips. Here are 5 tips to help you get through college!
Tip #1 - Sleep
This may seem obvious but for anyone who is in college, or has been in college, sleep is nonexistent. In my freshman year of college, I pulled so many all-nighters, which was not good for my mental and physical health.
According to the National Sleep Foundation guidelines, healthy adults are advised to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
This is what helps rest your body and recharge your mind. I cannot tell you how getting a full night of sleep has truly changed my life and improved my health. It is easy to fall into a cycle of getting no sleep - and sometimes it is needed - but keeping yourself healthy is probably the best tip for college.
Tip #2 - Time Management/Organization
Again, seems like an obvious one, but you would be surprised how easily you can get unorganized in college. A good way to stay on top of your work is to go through the syllabus for each one of your classes and write down all your assignments in a calendar. Even if you do not reference the calendar every day, it is a good habit to get into to be more aware. Many apps or websites can be a good digital calendar too!
I would also recommend getting your homework done between classes or during your free time. Even if it is not due until later on, it is good to get a head start. As college students, we tend to rest any free time we get, but getting it out of the way helps free up your schedule in the long run.
Planning out your day could also be useful in staying organized. I am someone who hates having the same routine every day because I like it to be different. Planning out your day does not have to be sticking to the same routine every day. Just listing what you need to get done throughout the day and prioritizing each task will help you.
Time management and organization are different for everyone, so just find what works for you! Remember that the little things make a big difference.
Tip #3 - Study Habits
Finding good study habits takes trial and error because you do not know what works for you until you try it. Some people work better around people in a busy environment, some people are the complete opposite. It is also hard to be motivated to study especially when you're not particularly interested in the subject. Making flashcards, whether physically or digitally, has been very helpful for me when studying. Quizlet is a great, free resource for digital flashcards. There are also quizzes and studying techniques on the website that can aid you in studying.
Tip #4 - Don't get Caught up in the Busy
My campus has this term we use to describe this, and it is called "Drake Busy". This is when you overcommit to clubs and activities, so you get super busy. I know it is easy to want to be super involved on your campus your freshman year but understand you will probably be a part of only one club your final year. Find one or two clubs that interest you and invest your other time in external activities. Finding an internship or job might be more useful than getting involved in multiple clubs on campus. Although clubs give great leadership experience, it is also important to find that experience outside of campus. Remember that you are there for your education, not to be the most involved person on campus.
Tip #5 - A Strong Support System
Your final tip is to have a good support system set in place. College can be hard at times and taking care of your mental health is very important. The people you meet when you first start college might not be your friends later down the road. Find your people, use your resources, and trust in yourself. I promise you will get through it, and everything will be okay.
Find what works for you!
Everything is different for everyone, so find what works for you. Take care of your mental and physical health and create healthy habits for college. It will take some trial and error, but these tips will also be useful once you graduate.